Welcome to La Mirada Elementary School home of the Eagles. Our staff provides an exemplary instructional program and our focus is student success. We strive for students to experience a well-rounded program that helps them harness their uniqueness and strengths.
You, as parents, are the most critical part of our school success. You take an active and crucial role in providing an atmosphere that promotes education and quality work habits. Your support provides the foundation for students to come ready to learn. I strongly encourage you to be an active part of your child’s education by making sure they get to school on time and attend school regularly. Please ensure that your child reads each and every night. Academics require practice, just like piano, baseball, and dance.
There are many ways you can get involved at school. Check out our awesome PTA. They do so much to support our school programs. Your participation in the PTA is a critical part in making activities possible for our La Mirada Children.
You will find your child’s teacher is your best resource and I encourage you to build a positive partnership with them. I look forward to working with you as partners in educating our children. I am honored to be your Principal at La Mirada Elementary and I look forward to working with our community.