
  •                                              Hello Dragons!  ¡ Hola Dragones!                                          

    Principal/ Diectora:  Dr. Becky Bravo 
    Contact e-mails/ Correos electrónicos: Rebecca.bravo@sysdschools.org

    Concern Form
    Please feel free to use this concern form for any concerns regarding our school.

    School Site Council
    September 21, 2023


    Change of date
    * September Coffee with the Principal
    Wednesday, September 20th 

    Coffee with the Principal

    School will resume Monday , August 21st 

    Hurrican Hillary Update 

    Dragon families please read the letter below regarding Hurricane Hillary. 

    Parent letter 

    Week of July 31-August 4 

    This is our first full week on the regular bell schedule.

    Kinder   M-Th: 8:30am-2:30pm   F: 8:30am-12:35

    Grades 1-6 M-Th: 8:30am-3:00 pm  F: 8:30am-1:30pm 

    Smythe Week 2 Parent Newsletter 

    Dragons please call the office to learn which of our Amazing teachers will be leading you through the 2023-2024 school year. 

    Week of July 17-July 21, 2023

    July 20th , 5:00 pm : New Student/ Kinder Orientation in the Cafeteria 

    Smythe Week Parent Newsletter #1

     Welcome Back Letter for Parents

    Week of July 24-28, 2023 

    July 24th First day of 23-24 School Year 

    Minimum Day Schedule all week : Kinder release 12:35 pm and 1st-6th release 1:30 pm 

    Parents join us on Class Dojo!   https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=school&schoolID=4eece557f64aa62934ed2daf

    Safe, Respectful, Responsible...that's how the Dragons Roar!

    Smythe School/San Ysidro Positive Discipline Plan

Peachjar Eflyers

Peachjar Flyers

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