PTA is a non-profit organization that advocates on behalf of children at the national, state and local level. Here at Ocean View Hills Elementary, the PTA may provide a range of programs that help our children grow into smart, healthy, well-rounded individuals and have fun doing it! None of this would be possible without the strong support and commitment of our wonderful Ocean View Hills Families.
We invite you to join and support PTA and help make this a great year! We are hoping to significantly increase our membership this year. You can help us achieve this goal with 3 easy steps:
- Become a Member of PTA. The dues charged at Ocean View Hills Elementary are used to support PTA at the local, state and national level. All are welcome to join…mothers, fathers, teachers, grandparents and community members. Becoming a member does not obligate you to attend meetings or volunteer.
- Help Fund Our Programs. Besides the membership dues, PTA has several sources of funding for programs and events for the school year. We may host fundraisers and support events at the school site to help earn money for classrooms.
- Volunteer for one of our Many Programs, Activities and Events. There are many opportunities to volunteer throughout the year. If you are interested in helping out, pick the events that look the most fun to you and fit your schedule best. Volunteering is a great way to meet your neighbors and find out what is going on at your child’s school!
Our PTA Membership Packet will be sent home with your child’s at the beginning of the school year.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Some of PTA’s Benefits.
- Leverage Volunteer Power. PTA organizes hard-working, dedicated volunteers. Parents are ready to help implement school improvement programs.
- See Measurable Results. More than 85 research studies conducted over the past 30 years prove that kids do better when parents are involved. Grades are higher. Test scores improve. Attendance increases.
- Discover More Dollars. Local PTAs are self-funding. By inviting the entire school’s parent community to join, they generate membership fees to pay for programs. Local PTA fundraisers support school programs, building improvements, and educational events.
- Tap into Proven Programs. Local PTAs have access to ready-made, easy-to-use programs with proven success records. From health and safety topics, to collaborating with teachers and community members, to fundraising, the programs get results.
- Boost Children’s Well-Being. PTAs focus on what students need to be successful in their learning, including nutrition, health, school safety, physical fitness and general well-being. PTA works with schools to ensure that children succeed.
- Enjoy Informed Parents. Involved parents understand the challenges schools face and become part of the solution. By developing a closer relationship with parents, student achievement improves, and the school develops a positive reputation in the community.