The San Ysidro School District, in partnership with our teachers and community, is committed to providing a high quality, multi-cultural learning environment that promotes academic excellence, social responsibility and physical and emotional well-being for all students.
The mission of the San Ysidro School District:
Quality education and opportunity for all students to succeed
With this mission in mind, we commit to the following district goals:
Goal 1.0 – Create a district-wide focus on improving student achievement and wellness
Goal 2.0 – Improve student achievement through effective site governance
Goal 3.0 – Improve student achievement through partnerships with parents
Goal 4.0 – Increase opportunities for technology integration to enhance instruction for improving student achievement
Goal 5.0 – Develop and maintain a high quality staff for improving student achievement through effective personnel, recruitment, hiring, and training practices
Goal 6.0 – Increase resources for improving student achievement through effective business practices
Goal 7.0 – Provide sufficient, safe, well-maintained, and visually appealing facilities that create an environment for improving student achievementThrough the accomplishment of these district goals, students will be better prepared to participate as ethical, cooperative, responsible, and productive citizens.