Welcome to Federal and State Programs
The office of Federal and State Programs coordinates and facilitates the Title I and English Learner programs which are funded by state or federal monies. This office acts as a district liaison with the San Diego County Office of Education and the California Department of Education, supervises budgets in these programs, and assures district compliance with state and federal laws.
- Title I, Title II, Title III Fiscal and Program Requirements
- Title I Equitable Participation in Private Schools
- Federal Program Monitoring (FPM)
- Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Schoolwide Programs (SWP)
- Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
- Local Education Agency Plan (LEAP)
Maria Rodriguez
Coordinator of Federal and State
Programs and Language Acquisition
(619) 428-4476 ext. 3070
Administrative Clerk II
(619) 428-4476 ext.